Carter and Reagan 1980 Data Set

Most of the variables for this data set originated as a panel study supplied by the Interuniversity Consortium for Social and Political Research (ICPSR). Emory University is a member of the ICPSR. I added some contextual variables to the survey data set by extracting these contextual data from a separate ICPSR data set. Most of the variables are self-explanatory once you look at their labels using, say, Proc Means or Proc Contents.

Here is some help in interpreting the variable values.
Feeling thermometers: 0 to 100, with 50 being neutral.
Liberal/conservative scales: 1=extreme liberal, 7=extreme conservative.
Inter1-Inter3: respondent's interest in the campaign/low to high.
P1 through P4: This refers to the panel wave, January, July, Sept. & Nov.
Expectation to vote: 5 will vote, 1 no.
Education: years of education
Income: not in thousands of dollars, but a scale, low to high.
Frequency of church attendance: low to high
R : This refers to the respondent.
Generally all of the variables go from to low to high. Thus, if you see a variable and you do not know the coding scheme, assume that a small number means less and a larger number means more. The other codes are in the variable labels.



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