Public Speaking and Interview Requests

Some of my research involving remote viewing and nonlocal consciousness is often considered both controversial and of high interest among many in mainstream science and the general public. The research is frequently applied in a variety of experimental contexts, and it is common for this research to attract the attention of various groups and the press. Inevitably, reporters write articles about my research, I receive requests for interviews, and groups ask me to speak at their gatherings.

I am very open to speaking publicly about my research, either via interviews or more formal speaking engagements. However, it is useful for media outlets to familiarize themselves with my research prior to requesting an interview. This web site offers ample background material relating to my research and activities. Many of my interviews and public presentations have been video recorded and are available on Youtube and elsewhere. My books and DVDs are readily available, and a great deal of my research is also presented on the web site for The Farsight Institute.

If you are a reporter or media personality with a desire to interview me, or if you are a group wanting me to speak at your gathering, please click the "Contact" link in the navigation bar and tell me a bit about yourself and the subject on which you would like me to speak. Please understand that I normally do not like to speak about the history of U.S. military involvement with remote viewing, since there are others from within the military who are willing to discuss this. My specialty is the science of remote viewing using procedures that are the same as or derived from those developed and employed by the military.




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