"Suzi na Chuma" (Suzi and Chuma) is a television series about two of Dr. David Livingstone's assistants in Africa. The series was filmed in 1982 by the Voice of Kenya (VOK) and broadcast in Kenya and Tanzania that same year. Courtney Brown plays the part of Dr. Livingstone. He was living in Mombasa, Kenya at the time, working as a Peace Corps Volunteer, when the man whom he hired to cut his grass with a machete ("panga" in Swahili) asked him if he would be interested in playing the part of Dr. Livingstone in the TV series. The rest is history. Courtney Brown later played the part of Sir John Kirk, the British Consul to the Island of Zanzibar in the series "Sultan Bargash." He had to shave his beard in that series so that he would no longer look like Dr. Livingstone as in Suzi na Chuma. This was necessary since John Kirk was involved in shipping Livingstone's body back to Britain, and it would have looked strange for Dr. Livingstone to be shipping his own body back to his native country. "Suzi na Chuma" and "Sultan Bargash" were both directed by Edyth Luseno.

Unrelated to the above video, Courtney Brown was also an actor in New York during the early 1970s. He studied under William Hickey at the Hagen-Bergdorf Studio. He starred in the movie "Social Pressures" which was produced by AETNA (the insurance company) and aired on national television (after a Knicks game). He also worked as a principal in television commercials (such as a Smith Corona Typewriter commercial), and had minor parts in various soap operas. He was a member of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA).

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