This NASA photo is of the object once called the "Face" on Mars. Clearly it is not a "face." But is it artificial? It is in the Cydonia region. I have added the outline shape showing three perfectly straight lines (two of which are exactly parallel while the third is exactly perpendicular to the two parallel lines), two perfect 90° angles, and a perfect semi-circle. Nature does not do these things. The original photograph is further below.

Here is the original NASA photo. I only cropped it.

Speculative Questions:

  1. If this is artificial, is it the remains of a wall surrounding a hilltop retreat?
  2. If it is the remains of a wall, what was it protecting?
  3. If it protected something, was it a population center, or possibly even a military outpost?
  4. Walls imply enemies. Was there war on Mars in the ancient past?
  5. The right side seems more eroded than the left. Could that be the result of simple erosion, or could this have resulted from an attempt to destroy the wall and enter the compound? (This is the sort of thing enemies do.)

Try to think of some of your own questions. Speculating "outside of the box" keeps one young in mind and spirit, and it is lots of fun!





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