The following program was used to explore the highly nonlinear and potentially chaotic
models that are analyzed in chapter 6 of Serpents in the Sand (University of Michigan
Press 1995). The program is written in Think Pascal, and it was run on a Macintosh
Quadra 900. It is capable of producing postscript output that can be sent directly to
a postscript printer, or input into a word processing program capable of accepting
postscript files (such as Word). The program is copyrighted 1995 by Courtney Brown.
However, researchers may copy, paste, and share this program freely for their own
use as long as the program itself is never sold. Simply copy and paste it into your
own program editor. To understand a bit more about how the program works, I
recommend my book, Chaos and Catastrophe Theories (Sage 1995).
program chaos (input, output, Image1, Image2, Image3); const minwidth = 15; maxsize = 1000; f1name = 'ImageLyap'; {f1name = 'ImageSdev';} f2name = 'ImageSum'; f3name = 'ImagePower'; {nn=# of equations, nnn=total # of equations;} matnn = 4; matnnn = 20; inc = 0.001; vv2 = 2048; nnpp = 9000; gleft = 680; gtop = 460; gright = 1080; gbottom = 860; type HugePtr = ^BigArray; BigArray = array[1..200, 1..200] of real; HugePtr2 = ^BigArray2; BigArray2 = array[1..20000, 1..matnn] of real; HugePtr3 = ^BigArray3; BigArray3 = array[1..10000] of real; GraphPtr = ^GraphBig; GraphBig = array[1..20000, 1..2] of real; RealArrayVV2 = array[1..vv2] of real; RealArrayVV3 = array[1..1025, 1..2] of real; RealArrayNP = array[1..nnpp] of real; var dim, c1, c2, d1, d2, iter, iternum, toss, lyap, kitu, limit, multiplier, alert, partychoice, choice, shocks: integer; funcdem, funcrep, N, x1, x2, z1, z2, h, thing, min, max, weigh, totvote, time, perspect, CINI: real; t, cumkt, upper, lower, decay, sense, limitpol, halflife, shift, policy, shock, varsum, varold, change: real; lx1, ux1, lx2, ux2, xprim, lowp1, lowp2, highp1, highp2, chaoslagg, volume, Et, mold, rDR, timeone: real; totderiv1, totderiv2, min2, max2, min3, max3, totderiv3, totpower, avefourier, varfourier, sdevfour: real; ff1, ff2, ff3: text; gizmo, demdum, repdum, row, col, ticker, ticker2, ticker3, lagg, yearslag, graphtype, traject, sasa: integer; politics, algorithm, nn, nnn, eqnum, laggedid, count, item, fourier, anza, graphonly, totsignal: integer; signal1, suppress, p1lag: integer; filein: text; y: HugePtr2; p: array[1..20] of real; party: array[1..4] of integer; image1: HugePtr; image2: HugePtr; image3: HugePtr; newx: GraphPtr; fourdata: RealArrayVV2; spectral: RealArrayVV3; xone: array[1..1000] of real; xlag: HugePtr3; mx: array[1..matnnn] of real; x: array[1..matnnn] of real; znorm: array[1..matnn] of real; gsc: array[1..matnn] of real; cum: array[1..matnn] of real; xnew: array[1..matnnn] of real; finame: string; r: Rect; r2: Rect; procedure initialize; begin r.left := 0; := 50; r.right := 640; r.bottom := 460; SetTextRect(r); r2.left := gleft; := gtop; r2.right := gright; r2.bottom := gbottom; SetDrawingRect(r2); new(y); new(newx); new(xlag); alert := 0; ticker2 := 0; yearslag := 0; laggedid := 0; end; procedure parms; begin p[4] := 0.08847; p[2] := 0.23665; p[11] := 0.27780; p[1] := 0.11699; p[5] := 1.54509; p[3] := 0.54922; p[12] := 0.29619; p[8] := 0.87930; p[10] := 0.16780; p[9] := 0.09635; p[6] := 0.77792; p[7] := 0.50896; p[13] := 0.32081; end; function lag (lagvar: real): real; var iii: integer; begin if (ticker3 = 1) then begin for iii := 1 to lagg do begin xlag^[iii] := lagvar; end; lag := lagvar; end; if (ticker3 > 1) then begin for iii := (lagg - 1) downto 1 do begin xlag^[(lagg - iii)] := xlag^[(lagg - iii + 1)]; end; xlag^[(lagg)] := lagvar; lag := xlag^[1]; end; end; function power (base, exponent: real): real; begin if (base < 0) then writeln('The power exponential function cannot use a negative base argument!'); if (base > 0) then power := exp(exponent * ln(base)); if (base = 0) then power := 0.0; end; function eq1: real; begin if (kitu = 1) then eq1 := -(mx[1] / p[2]) - (sin(mx[2])) + (p[1] * cos(mx[3])); if (kitu = 2) then eq1 := p[1] * (mx[2] - mx[1]); if (kitu = 3) then begin limitpol := 1; if (politics = 2) then policy := p[2]; if ((politics = 1) and (eqnum = 3)) then begin if (choice = 1) then policy := 0.0; if (choice = 0) then policy := p[9]; end; if ((politics = 1) and (eqnum = 4)) then policy := mx[4]; eq1 := ((p[1] * mx[1]) * (1 - mx[1])) - (policy * mx[2] * mx[1]) - (decay * mx[1]); end; if (kitu = 4) then eq1 := (p[1] * mx[1] * (1 - mold)) - (p[5] * mx[1] * mx[2]) - (p[2] * mx[1] * sqr(sin(mx[3]))); if (kitu = 5) then eq1 := (((p[1] * mx[1]) + (p[2] * mx[2])) * (1 + (p[3] * CINI) + (p[13] * mx[3]))) * mx[1]; end; function eq2: real; begin if (kitu = 1) then eq2 := mx[1]; if (kitu = 2) then eq2 := (p[2] * mx[1]) - (mx[1] * mx[3]) - mx[2]; if (kitu = 3) then eq2 := (p[3] * mold) * (1 - mx[2]) - (p[4] * mx[3]); if (kitu = 4) then eq2 := (p[4] * mx[1] * (1 - mx[2])) - (p[6] * mx[2] * (1 - mx[1])); if (kitu = 5) then eq2 := (((p[4] * mx[1]) - (p[5] * mx[1] * mx[3])) * (1 + (p[6] * mx[2]))) * mx[2]; end; function eq3: real; begin if (kitu = 1) then eq3 := p[3]; if (kitu = 2) then eq3 := (mx[1] * mx[2]) - (p[3] * mx[3]); if (kitu = 3) then eq3 := ((p[5] * mx[2] * mx[1]) * (1 - mx[3])) - (p[6] * mx[3]); if (kitu = 4) then eq3 := (2 * pi); if (kitu = 5) then eq3 := (p[7] + (p[8] * ln(abs((p[9] + (p[10] * mx[1]) + (p[11] * mx[2])) / mx[3]))) - (p[12] * mx[3])) * mx[3]; end; function eq4: real; var partydum1, partydum2: real; begin if (kitu = 3) then begin if (choice = 1) then begin partydum1 := 1.0; partydum2 := 0.0; end; if (choice = 0) then begin partydum1 := 0.0; partydum2 := 1.0; end; eq4 := p[2] * mx[4] * ((p[7] * partydum1) + (p[8] * partydum2) - mx[4]); end; end; procedure special3; var iii, tround: integer; begin if (timeone > 4.0) then begin partychoice := partychoice + 1; party[1] := 1; party[2] := 1; party[3] := 0; party[4] := 0; choice := party[partychoice]; if (partychoice = 4) then partychoice := 0; timeone := 0.0; end; mold := lag(x[1]); laggedid := 1; Et := 0.1 * (Random / 32768.0); {if (Et > 0) then Et := 0;} {writeln('Et=', Et);} {writeln('x1=', x[1] : minwidth, ' m1old= ', m1old : minwidth, 'lag= ', lagg);} tround := round(time); if ((shocks = 1) and (tround = (toss div 2))) then x[1] := x[1] + shock; end; procedure special4; begin mold := lag(x[1]); laggedid := 1; end; procedure special5; begin if (ticker3 = 1) then begin x[1] := 0.0; x[2] := 0.86; x[3] := 0.02; CINI := 0.23; end; if (ticker3 = 11) then begin x[1] := 0.0; CINI := 0.28; end; if ((ticker3 > 20) and (x[1] > 0.25)) then begin x[1] := 0.0; CINI := 0.25; end; end; function par1x1: real; var it1, it2: real; begin mx[1] := mx[1] - inc; if (laggedid = 1) then mold := mold - inc; it1 := eq1; mx[1] := mx[1] + (2 * inc); if (laggedid = 1) then mold := mold + (2 * inc); it2 := eq1; par1x1 := (it2 - it1) / (2 * inc); mx[1] := mx[1] - inc; if (laggedid = 1) then mold := mold - inc; end; function par1x2: real; var it1, it2: real; begin mx[2] := mx[2] - inc; if (laggedid = 2) then mold := mold - inc; it1 := eq1; mx[2] := mx[2] + (2 * inc); if (laggedid = 2) then mold := mold + (2 * inc); it2 := eq1; par1x2 := (it2 - it1) / (2 * inc); mx[2] := mx[2] - inc; if (laggedid = 2) then mold := mold - inc; end; function par1x3: real; var it1, it2: real; begin mx[3] := mx[3] - inc; if (laggedid = 3) then mold := mold - inc; it1 := eq1; mx[3] := mx[3] + (2 * inc); if (laggedid = 3) then mold := mold + (2 * inc); it2 := eq1; par1x3 := (it2 - it1) / (2 * inc); mx[3] := mx[3] - inc; if (laggedid = 3) then mold := mold - inc; end; function par1x4: real; var it1, it2: real; begin mx[4] := mx[4] - inc; if (laggedid = 4) then mold := mold - inc; it1 := eq1; mx[4] := mx[4] + (2 * inc); if (laggedid = 4) then mold := mold + (2 * inc); it2 := eq1; par1x4 := (it2 - it1) / (2 * inc); mx[4] := mx[4] - inc; if (laggedid = 4) then mold := mold - inc; end; function par2x1: real; var it1, it2: real; begin mx[1] := mx[1] - inc; if (laggedid = 1) then mold := mold - inc; it1 := eq2; mx[1] := mx[1] + (2 * inc); if (laggedid = 1) then mold := mold + (2 * inc); it2 := eq2; par2x1 := (it2 - it1) / (2 * inc); mx[1] := mx[1] - inc; if (laggedid = 1) then mold := mold - inc; end; function par2x2: real; var it1, it2: real; begin mx[2] := mx[2] - inc; if (laggedid = 2) then mold := mold - inc; it1 := eq2; mx[2] := mx[2] + (2 * inc); if (laggedid = 2) then mold := mold + (2 * inc); it2 := eq2; par2x2 := (it2 - it1) / (2 * inc); mx[2] := mx[2] - inc; if (laggedid = 2) then mold := mold - inc; end; function par2x3: real; var it1, it2: real; begin mx[3] := mx[3] - inc; if (laggedid = 3) then mold := mold - inc; it1 := eq2; mx[3] := mx[3] + (2 * inc); if (laggedid = 3) then mold := mold + (2 * inc); it2 := eq2; par2x3 := (it2 - it1) / (2 * inc); mx[3] := mx[3] - inc; if (laggedid = 3) then mold := mold - inc; end; function par2x4: real; var it1, it2: real; begin mx[4] := mx[4] - inc; if (laggedid = 4) then mold := mold - inc; it1 := eq2; mx[4] := mx[4] + (2 * inc); if (laggedid = 4) then mold := mold + (2 * inc); it2 := eq2; par2x4 := (it2 - it1) / (2 * inc); mx[4] := mx[4] - inc; if (laggedid = 4) then mold := mold - inc; end; function par3x1: real; var it1, it2: real; begin mx[1] := mx[1] - inc; if (laggedid = 1) then mold := mold - inc; it1 := eq3; mx[1] := mx[1] + (2 * inc); if (laggedid = 1) then mold := mold + (2 * inc); it2 := eq3; par3x1 := (it2 - it1) / (2 * inc); mx[1] := mx[1] - inc; if (laggedid = 1) then mold := mold - inc; end; function par3x2: real; var it1, it2: real; begin mx[2] := mx[2] - inc; if (laggedid = 2) then mold := mold - inc; it1 := eq3; mx[2] := mx[2] + (2 * inc); if (laggedid = 2) then mold := mold + (2 * inc); it2 := eq3; par3x2 := (it2 - it1) / (2 * inc); mx[2] := mx[2] - inc; if (laggedid = 2) then mold := mold - inc; end; function par3x3: real; var it1, it2: real; begin mx[3] := mx[3] - inc; if (laggedid = 3) then mold := mold - inc; it1 := eq3; mx[3] := mx[3] + (2 * inc); if (laggedid = 3) then mold := mold + (2 * inc); it2 := eq3; par3x3 := (it2 - it1) / (2 * inc); mx[3] := mx[3] - inc; if (laggedid = 3) then mold := mold - inc; end; function par3x4: real; var it1, it2: real; begin mx[4] := mx[4] - inc; if (laggedid = 4) then mold := mold - inc; it1 := eq3; mx[4] := mx[4] + (2 * inc); if (laggedid = 4) then mold := mold + (2 * inc); it2 := eq3; par3x4 := (it2 - it1) / (2 * inc); mx[4] := mx[4] - inc; if (laggedid = 4) then mold := mold - inc; end; function par4x1: real; var it1, it2: real; begin mx[1] := mx[1] - inc; if (laggedid = 1) then mold := mold - inc; it1 := eq4; mx[1] := mx[1] + (2 * inc); if (laggedid = 1) then mold := mold + (2 * inc); it2 := eq4; par4x1 := (it2 - it1) / (2 * inc); mx[1] := mx[1] - inc; if (laggedid = 1) then mold := mold - inc; end; function par4x2: real; var it1, it2: real; begin mx[2] := mx[2] - inc; if (laggedid = 2) then mold := mold - inc; it1 := eq4; mx[2] := mx[2] + (2 * inc); if (laggedid = 2) then mold := mold + (2 * inc); it2 := eq4; par4x2 := (it2 - it1) / (2 * inc); mx[2] := mx[2] - inc; if (laggedid = 2) then mold := mold - inc; end; function par4x3: real; var it1, it2: real; begin mx[3] := mx[3] - inc; if (laggedid = 3) then mold := mold - inc; it1 := eq4; mx[3] := mx[3] + (2 * inc); if (laggedid = 3) then mold := mold + (2 * inc); it2 := eq4; par4x3 := (it2 - it1) / (2 * inc); mx[3] := mx[3] - inc; if (laggedid = 3) then mold := mold - inc; end; function par4x4: real; var it1, it2: real; begin mx[4] := mx[4] - inc; if (laggedid = 4) then mold := mold - inc; it1 := eq4; mx[4] := mx[4] + (2 * inc); if (laggedid = 4) then mold := mold + (2 * inc); it2 := eq4; par4x4 := (it2 - it1) / (2 * inc); mx[4] := mx[4] - inc; if (laggedid = 4) then mold := mold - inc; end; procedure equations (k: integer); var i: integer; begin if (eqnum = 3) then begin if (k = 1) then xprim := eq1; if (k = 2) then xprim := eq2; if (k = 3) then xprim := eq3; if (k > 3) then begin if (k < 7) then begin i := k - 4; xprim := (mx[4 + i] * par1x1) + (mx[7 + i] * par1x2) + (mx[10 + i] * par1x3); end; end; if (k > 6) then begin if (k < 10) then begin i := k - 7; xprim := (mx[4 + i] * par2x1) + (mx[7 + i] * par2x2) + (mx[10 + i] * par2x3); end; end; if (k > 9) then begin i := k - 10; xprim := (mx[4 + i] * par3x1) + (mx[7 + i] * par3x2) + (mx[10 + i] * par3x3); end; end; if (eqnum = 4) then begin if (k = 1) then xprim := eq1; if (k = 2) then xprim := eq2; if (k = 3) then xprim := eq3; if (k = 4) then xprim := eq4; if (k > 4) then begin if (k < 9) then begin i := k - 5; xprim := (mx[5 + i] * par1x1) + (mx[9 + i] * par1x2) + (mx[13 + i] * par1x3) + (mx[17] * par1x4); end; end; if (k > 8) then begin if (k < 13) then begin i := k - 9; xprim := (mx[5 + i] * par2x1) + (mx[9 + i] * par2x2) + (mx[13 + i] * par2x3) + (mx[17] * par2x4); end; end; if (k > 12) then begin if (k < 17) then begin i := k - 13; xprim := (mx[5 + i] * par3x1) + (mx[9 + i] * par3x2) + (mx[13 + i] * par3x3) + (mx[17] * par3x4); end; end; if (k > 16) then begin i := k - 17; xprim := (mx[5 + i] * par4x1) + (mx[9 + i] * par4x2) + (mx[13 + i] * par4x3) + (mx[17] * par4x4); end; end; end; procedure model; var k: integer; rk1, rk2, rk3, rk4: array[1..matnnn] of real; xx1, xx2, xx3, xx4: array[1..matnnn] of real; begin {The fourth order Runge-Kutta;} for k := 1 to nnn do begin mx[k] := x[k]; end; for k := 1 to nnn do begin equations(k); rk1[k] := h * xprim; end; for k := 1 to nnn do begin xx1[k] := x[k] + (rk1[k] * 0.5); end; for k := 1 to nnn do begin mx[k] := xx1[k]; end; for k := 1 to nnn do begin equations(k); rk2[k] := h * xprim; end; for k := 1 to nnn do begin xx2[k] := x[k] + (rk2[k] * 0.5); end; for k := 1 to nnn do begin mx[k] := xx2[k]; end; for k := 1 to nnn do begin equations(k); rk3[k] := h * xprim; end; for k := 1 to nnn do begin xx3[k] := x[k] + rk3[k]; end; for k := 1 to nnn do begin mx[k] := xx3[k]; end; for k := 1 to nnn do begin equations(k); rk4[k] := h * xprim; end; for k := 1 to nnn do begin xnew[k] := x[k] + ((1 / 6) * (rk1[k] + (2 * rk2[k]) + (2 * rk3[k]) + rk4[k])); end; end; procedure initcond; var ii: integer; begin {Initial conditions for the nonlinear system;} if (kitu = 1) then begin x[1] := 0.5; x[2] := 0.0; x[3] := 0.0; end; if (kitu = 2) then begin x[1] := 5; x[2] := 5; x[3] := 5; end; if (kitu = 3) then begin x[1] := 0.1; x[2] := 0.1; x[3] := 0.1; if (eqnum = 4) then x[4] := 0.1; end; if (kitu = 4) then begin x[1] := 0.1; x[2] := 0.1; x[3] := 0.1; end; if (kitu = 5) then begin x[1] := 0.0; x[2] := 0.86; x[3] := 0.02; end; {Initial conditions fo rthe orthonormal frame;} for ii := (nn + 1) to nnn do begin x[ii] := 0.0; end; for ii := 1 to nn do begin x[(nn + 1) * ii] := 1.0; cum[ii] := 0.0; end; end; procedure initnums; begin mold := 0.0; partychoice := 0; ticker3 := 0; time := 0.0; timeone := 0.0; count := 0; volume := 0.0; Getdatetime(randSeed); varsum := 0.0; fourier := 1; totpower := 0.0; totsignal := 0; end; procedure avevar (data2: RealArrayVV3; uu: integer; var ave, svar: real); var L: integer; s: real; weightsum: real; begin ave := 0.0; svar := 0.0; weightsum := 0.0; for L := 1 to uu do begin weightsum := weightsum + data2[L, 2]; ave := ave + (data2[L, 1] * data2[L, 2]); {writeln('ave=', ave, ' weightsum=', weightsum);} end; ave := ave / weightsum; for L := 1 to uu do begin s := data2[L, 1] - ave; svar := svar + (s * s * data2[L, 2] / weightsum); end; end; procedure four1 (var data: RealArrayVV2; vv, isign: integer); var ww, qq, v, mmax, m, q, istep, w: integer; wtemp, wr, wpr, wpi, wi, theta: double; tempr, tempi, wrs, wis: real; begin v := 2 * vv; q := 1; for ww := 1 to vv do begin w := 2 * ww - 1; if (q > w) then begin tempr := data[q]; tempi := data[q + 1]; data[q] := data[w]; data[q + 1] := data[w + 1]; data[w] := tempr; data[w + 1] := tempi; end; m := v div 2; while (m >= 2) and (q > m) do begin q := q - m; m := m div 2; end; q := q + m; end; mmax := 2; while (v > mmax) do begin istep := 2 * mmax; theta := 6.28318530717959 / (isign * mmax); wpr := -2.0 * sqr(sin(0.5 * theta)); wpi := sin(theta); wr := 1.0; wi := 0.0; for ww := 1 to mmax div 2 do begin m := 2 * ww - 1; wrs := wr; wis := wi; for qq := 0 to (v - m) div istep do begin w := m + qq * istep; q := w + mmax; tempr := wrs * data[q] - wis * data[q + 1]; tempi := wrs * data[q + 1] + wis * data[q]; data[q] := data[w] - tempr; data[q + 1] := data[w + 1] - tempi; data[w] := data[w] + tempr; data[w + 1] := data[w + 1] + tempi; end; wtemp := wr; wr := wr * wpr - wi * wpi + wr; wi := wi * wpr + wtemp * wpi + wi; end; mmax := istep; end; for ww := 1 to (vv div 2) do begin spectral[ww, 2] := sqr(data[((ww * 2) - 1)]) + sqr(data[(ww * 2)]); spectral[ww, 1] := (ww / (vv * h)); if (suppress = 1) then spectral[1, 2] := 0.0; if (ww < 20) then begin writeln('freq=', spectral[ww, 1] : 12 : 5, ' periodogram= ', spectral[ww, 2] : 15 : 3); {writeln('fourier numbers 1=', data[((ww * 2) - 1)] : 8 : 6, ' fourier numbers 2=', data[(ww * 2)] : 8 : 6);} end; totpower := totpower + spectral[ww, 2]; end; totpower := totpower / vv; writeln('Total spectral power=', totpower : 20 : 6); avevar(spectral, (vv div 2), avefourier, varfourier); sdevfour := sqrt(varfourier); writeln('avefourier=', avefourier : 10 : 3, ' sdevfour=', sdevfour : 10 : 3); end; procedure graph; var k, j, width, height, transx1, transx2, switch, kwisha, fourmax, transform: integer; minx1, minx2, maxx1, maxx2, miny1, miny2, maxy1, maxy2, miny3, maxy3, axedraw1, axedraw2: real; axeminx, axemaxx, axeminy, axemaxy, scale: real; axedraw: array[1..3, 1..2] of real; begin width := gright - gleft; height := gbottom - gtop; if (algorithm = 1) then kwisha := multiplier - 1; if (algorithm = 2) then kwisha := multiplier + 5; EraseRect(0, 0, 400, 400); if (fourier = 1) then begin transform := 1; if ((multiplier - anza) >= 1024) then fourmax := 1024; if (((multiplier - anza) >= 512) and ((multiplier - anza) < 1024)) then fourmax := 512; if (((multiplier - anza) >= 256) and ((multiplier - anza) < 512)) then fourmax := 256; if (((multiplier - anza) >= 128) and ((multiplier - anza) < 256)) then fourmax := 128; for k := 1 to fourmax do begin fourdata[((k * 2) - 1)] := y^[((anza - 1) + k), 1]; fourdata[(k * 2)] := 0.0; end; four1(fourdata, fourmax, transform); end; for k := anza to (multiplier - 1) do begin if (k = anza) then begin miny1 := y^[anza, 1]; maxy1 := y^[anza, 1]; miny2 := y^[anza, 2]; maxy2 := y^[anza, 2]; miny3 := y^[anza, 3]; maxy3 := y^[anza, 3]; end; if (k > anza) then begin if (y^[k, 1] < miny1) then miny1 := y^[k, 1]; if (y^[k, 1] > maxy1) then maxy1 := y^[k, 1]; if (y^[k, 2] < miny2) then miny2 := y^[k, 2]; if (y^[k, 2] > maxy2) then maxy2 := y^[k, 2]; if (y^[k, 3] < miny3) then miny3 := y^[k, 3]; if (y^[k, 3] > maxy3) then maxy3 := y^[k, 3]; end; end; for k := multiplier to (multiplier + 5) do begin if (k = multiplier) then begin y^[k, 1] := miny1; y^[k, 2] := miny2; y^[k, 3] := miny3; end; if (k = multiplier + 1) then begin y^[k, 1] := maxy1; y^[k, 2] := miny2; y^[k, 3] := miny3; end; if (k = multiplier + 2) then begin y^[k, 1] := miny1; y^[k, 2] := miny2; y^[k, 3] := miny3; end; if (k = multiplier + 3) then begin y^[k, 1] := miny1; y^[k, 2] := maxy2; y^[k, 3] := miny3; end; if (k = multiplier + 4) then begin y^[k, 1] := miny1; y^[k, 2] := miny2; y^[k, 3] := miny3; end; if (k = multiplier + 5) then begin y^[k, 1] := miny1; y^[k, 2] := miny2; y^[k, 3] := maxy3; end; end; scale := (maxy1 - miny1) / (maxy3 - miny3); scale := 1; for k := anza to kwisha do begin for j := 1 to 2 do begin if (graphtype = 2) then begin if (algorithm = 1) then begin newx^[k, j] := (y^[k, j]) * y^[k, 3] * perspect; end; if (algorithm = 2) then begin if (j = 1) then newx^[k, j] := (y^[k, j]) - (perspect * scale * y^[k, 3]); if (j = 2) then newx^[k, j] := (y^[k, j]) + (perspect * y^[k, 3]); end; end; if (graphtype = 1) then begin newx^[k, j] := y^[k, j]; {write(newx^[k, j] : 8 : 6);} end; if ((k = anza) and (j = 2)) then begin minx1 := newx^[anza, 1]; maxx1 := newx^[anza, 1]; minx2 := newx^[anza, 2]; maxx2 := newx^[anza, 2]; end; end; if (k > anza) then begin if (newx^[k, 1] < minx1) then minx1 := newx^[k, 1]; if (newx^[k, 1] > maxx1) then maxx1 := newx^[k, 1]; if (newx^[k, 2] < minx2) then minx2 := newx^[k, 2]; if (newx^[k, 2] > maxx2) then maxx2 := newx^[k, 2]; end; end; moveto(30, 20); WriteDraw('x1=', miny1 : 5 : 3, ' x2=', miny2 : 5 : 3, ' x3=', miny3 : 5 : 3); moveto(30, 40); WriteDraw('x1=', maxy1 : 5 : 3, ' x2=', maxy2 : 5 : 3, ' x3=', maxy3 : 5 : 3); TextSize(12); PenSize(2, 2); for k := anza to kwisha do begin for j := 1 to 2 do begin transx1 := round(height - (25 + ((newx^[k, 1] - minx1) / (maxx1 - minx1)) * (height - 50))); transx2 := round(25 + ((newx^[k, 2] - minx2) / (maxx2 - minx2)) * (width - 50)); if ((k = anza) and (j = 1)) then moveto(transx2, transx1); if ((k = multiplier) and (j = 1)) then moveto(transx2, transx1); lineto(transx2, transx1); {writeln(transx2, transx1);} end; if (traject = 1) then write('x1=', y^[k, 1] : 8 : 6, ' x2=', y^[k, 2] : 8 : 6, ' x3=', y^[k, 3] : 8 : 6, ' count=', y^[k, 4]); if ((eqnum = 3) and (traject = 1)) then writeln; if ((eqnum = 4) and (traject = 1)) then writeln(' x4=', y^[k, 4] : 8 : 6); end; if (lyap = 2) then writeln('p1=', p[1], ' p2=', p[2]); writeln(' Lowx1=', miny1 : 8 : 6, ' Highx1=', maxy1 : 8 : 6, ' Lowx2=', miny2 : 8 : 6, ' Highx2=', maxy2 : 8 : 6, ' Lowx3=', miny3 : 8 : 6, ' Highx3=', maxy3 : 8 : 6); end; procedure sumchange; var creature: real; k: integer; begin if (ticker3 > 1) then begin change := abs(x[item] - varold); varsum := varsum + change; {writeln('var for sum=', x[item] : 8 : 6, ' varsum=', varsum : 8 : 6);} end; varold := x[item]; for k := 1 to nn do begin mx[k] := x[k]; end; if (nn = 3) then creature := eq1 * eq2 * eq3; if (nn = 4) then creature := eq1 * eq2 * eq3 * eq4; if ((creature <= 0) and (ticker3 = 1)) then signal1 := 1; if ((creature > 0) and (ticker3 = 1)) then signal1 := 2; if ((creature < 0) and (signal1 = 2)) then begin totsignal := totsignal + 1; signal1 := 1; end; if ((creature > 0) and (signal1 = 1)) then begin totsignal := totsignal + 1; signal1 := 2; end; {writeln('creature=', creature, ' totsignal=', totsignal, ' signal1=', signal1, ' ticker3=', ticker3);} end; procedure engine; var k, j, l: integer; begin initcond; initnums; while (time <= (iternum + toss)) do begin {Initializing the integrator;} timeone := timeone + h; ticker3 := ticker3 + 1; if (kitu = 3) then special3; if (kitu = 4) then special4; if (kitu = 5) then special5; model; multiplier := round((1 / h) * toss); if (multiplier > 10000) then multiplier := 10000; count := count + 1; sumchange; if (count < multiplier) then begin for j := 1 to nn do begin if (graphtype = 2) then y^[count, j] := x[j]; if (graphtype = 1) then begin y^[count, 1] := x[1]; y^[count, 2] := time; y^[count, 3] := choice; end; end; y^[count, 4] := count; end; for k := 1 to nnn do begin x[k] := xnew[k]; end; if (count = multiplier) then graph; {Construct a new orthonormal basis by Gram-Scmidt method;} {Normalize first vector} znorm[1] := 0.0; for j := 1 to nn do begin znorm[1] := znorm[1] + sqr(x[nn * j + 1]); end; znorm[1] := sqrt(znorm[1]); for j := 1 to nn do begin x[nn * j + 1] := x[nn * j + 1] / znorm[1]; end; {Generate the new orthonormal set of vectors;} for j := 2 to nn do begin {Generate j-1 coefficients} for k := 1 to (j - 1) do begin gsc[k] := 0.0; for l := 1 to nn do begin gsc[k] := gsc[k] + (x[nn * l + j] * x[nn * l + k]); end; end; {Construct a new vector;} for k := 1 to nn do begin for l := 1 to j - 1 do begin x[nn * k + j] := x[nn * k + j] - (gsc[l] * x[nn * k + l]); end; end; {Calculate the vector's norm;} znorm[j] := 0; for k := 1 to nn do begin znorm[j] := znorm[j] + sqr(x[nn * k + j]); end; znorm[j] := sqrt(znorm[j]); {Normalize the new vector;} for k := 1 to nn do begin x[nn * k + j] := x[nn * k + j] / znorm[j]; end; end; {Updating running vector magnitudes;} if (time > toss) then begin for k := 1 to nn do begin cum[k] := cum[k] + log2(znorm[k]); end; {Normalize exponent and print exponents;} if ((time > (iternum + toss - h)) and (time <= (iternum + toss))) then begin write('time=', time : 8 : 3, ' it #=', ticker2); for k := 1 to nn do begin cumkt := cum[k] / time; volume := volume + cumkt; if (graphonly = 2) then write(' ', cumkt : minwidth); if (k = 1) then begin totderiv1 := cumkt; {totderiv1 := sdevfour;} totderiv2 := (varsum * totsignal) / time; totderiv3 := (sdevfour * totpower); end; if (k > 1) then begin if ((cumkt > totderiv1) and (cumkt < -0.05)) then totderiv1 := cumkt; end; end; if (volume > 0) then alert := alert + 1; if (graphonly = 2) then writeln(' vol=', volume); writeln; writeln('turbulence 2=', totderiv2 : minwidth, ' varsum=', varsum, ' totsignal=', totsignal); writeln('turbulence 3=', totderiv3 : minwidth); end; end; time := time + h; end; end; procedure answer; var parnum, anza1, ii: integer; begin write('What model do you want? 1-pendulum 2-Lorenz 3-Ecosphere 4-Maharishi 5-Nazi '); readln(input, kitu); {set up number of equations} nn := 3; nnn := 12; eqnum := 3; if (kitu = 3) then begin write('Do you want the four or three equation model? 3-three 4-four '); readln(input, eqnum); end; if (eqnum = 4) then begin nn := 4; nnn := 20; politics := 1; end; write('Do you want one analysis or an image? 1-One analysis 2-image '); readln(input, lyap); write('For what variable do you want to sum the change for turbulence? '); readln(input, item); write('Do you want to suppress the first term of the power series? 1-yes 2-no '); readln(input, suppress); write('Do you want to view the variable values? 1-yes 2-no '); readln(input, traject); write('Do you want Lyaponov exponents? 1-graph only 2-Lyaponov exponents '); readln(input, graphonly); if (graphonly = 1) then nnn := 3; if ((graphonly = 1) and (kitu = 3) and (eqnum = 4)) then nnn := 4; write('What type of graph do you want? 1-Overtime 2-Phase '); readln(input, graphtype); perspect := 1; if (graphtype = 2) then begin write('What type of algorithm do you want to draw the perspective? 1-multiplicative 2-additive '); readln(input, algorithm); write('Do you want a 2D or a 3D phase diagram? 0=2D 1=3D '); readln(input, perspect); end; if (kitu = 3) then begin write('How many years of lag do you want for the public pollution reaction? '); readln(input, yearslag); write('How many years half-life do you want for the current pollution dissipation? '); readln(input, halflife); decay := -ln(0.5) / halflife; writeln('The decay constant in the model is: ', decay); write('Do you want shocks? 1-yes 2-no '); readln(input, shocks); shock := 0; if (shocks = 1) then begin write('What size shock? '); readln(input, shock); end; if (eqnum = 3) then begin write('Do you want political policy differences? 1-yes 2-no '); readln(input, politics); end; end; if (kitu = 4) then begin write('How many time periods of lag do you want for the conflict response? '); readln(input, yearslag); end; write('How many time periods do you want for the graph? '); readln(input, toss); write('Do you want to lag the start of the graph? 1-yes 2-no '); readln(input, sasa); if (sasa = 1) then begin write('At what time period do you want the graph to begin? '); readln(input, anza1); end; iternum := 1; if (graphonly = 2) then begin write('How many more time periods do you want for Lyaponov analysis? '); readln(input, iternum); end; write('Step size? '); readln(input, h); if (sasa = 1) then anza := round(anza1 / h); if (sasa = 2) then anza := 1; if (kitu <> 5) then begin if (lyap = 1) then begin write('How many parameters? '); readln(input, parnum); for ii := 1 to parnum do begin write('What is the value for parameter ', ii, ' ?'); readln(input, p[ii]); end; end; end; if (kitu = 5) then parms; if (lyap = 2) then begin writeln('You can vary your first two parameters between ranges.'); write('What is your lower value in the range for your first parameter? '); readln(input, lowp1); write('What is your higher value in the range for your first parameter? '); readln(input, highp1); write('What is your lower value in the range for your second parameter? '); readln(input, lowp2); write('What is your higher value in the range for your second parameter? '); readln(input, highp2); write('How many other parameters are there in the model? '); readln(input, parnum); for ii := 3 to (parnum + 2) do begin write('What is the value for parameter ', ii, ' ?'); readln(input, p[ii]); end; write('How large do you want the image matrix? '); readln(input, dim); end; lagg := round(yearslag / h); if (yearslag = 0) then lagg := 1; end; procedure minmax; begin ticker := ticker + 1; if (ticker = 1) then begin min := totderiv1; max := totderiv1; min2 := totderiv2; max2 := totderiv2; min3 := totderiv3; max3 := totderiv3; end; if totderiv1 < min then min := totderiv1; if totderiv1 > max then max := totderiv1; if totderiv2 < min2 then min2 := totderiv2; if totderiv2 > max2 then max2 := totderiv2; if totderiv3 < min3 then min3 := totderiv3; if totderiv3 > max3 then max3 := totderiv3; end; procedure axes; var d1, d2: integer; begin for d2 := 1 to 2 do begin for d1 := 1 to dim do begin write(ff1, ' ', d1); write(ff2, ' ', d1); write(ff3, ' ', d1); end; writeln(ff1); writeln(ff2); writeln(ff3); end; end; procedure matfill; var c1, c2: integer; begin ticker := 0; for c2 := dim downto 1 do begin shift := lowp2 + ((highp2 - lowp2) * ((c2 - 1) / (dim - 1))); p[2] := shift; for c1 := 1 to dim do begin ticker2 := ticker2 + 1; p[1] := lowp1 + ((highp1 - lowp1) * ((c1 - 1) / (dim - 1))); engine; minmax; image1^[(dim - c2 + 1), c1] := totderiv1; image2^[(dim - c2 + 1), c1] := totderiv2; image3^[(dim - c2 + 1), c1] := totderiv3; end; end; end; procedure printit; var c1, c2: integer; begin writeln(ff1, dim, ' ', dim); writeln(ff2, dim, ' ', dim); writeln(ff3, dim, ' ', dim); writeln('dimension=', dim, ' by ', dim); writeln(ff1, max : minwidth, ' ', min : minwidth); writeln(ff2, max2 : minwidth, ' ', min2 : minwidth); writeln(ff3, max3 : minwidth, ' ', min3 : minwidth); writeln('max=', max : minwidth, ' min=', min : minwidth); writeln('max=', max2 : minwidth, ' min=', min2 : minwidth); writeln('max=', max3 : minwidth, ' min=', min3 : minwidth); writeln; axes; for c2 := dim downto 1 do begin for c1 := 1 to dim do begin write(ff1, ' ', image1^[(dim - c2 + 1), c1] : minwidth); write(ff2, ' ', image2^[(dim - c2 + 1), c1] : minwidth); write(ff3, ' ', image3^[(dim - c2 + 1), c1] : minwidth); if c1 < 6 then write(' ', image1^[(dim - c2 + 1), c1] : minwidth); end; writeln(ff1); writeln(ff2); writeln(ff3); writeln; end; writeln; for c2 := dim downto 1 do begin for c1 := 1 to dim do begin if c1 < 6 then write(' ', image2^[(dim - c2 + 1), c1] : minwidth); end; writeln; end; writeln; for c2 := dim downto 1 do begin for c1 := 1 to dim do begin if c1 < 6 then write(' ', image3^[(dim - c2 + 1), c1] : minwidth); end; writeln; end; end; begin initialize; showtext; showdrawing; answer; if (lyap = 1) then engine; if (lyap = 2) then begin rewrite(ff1, f1name); rewrite(ff2, f2name); rewrite(ff3, f3name); new(image1); new(image2); new(image3); matfill; printit; close(ff1); close(ff2); close(ff3); writeln('lpwp1=', lowp1, ' highp1=', highp1, ' lowp2=', lowp2, ' highp2=', highp2, ' p3=', p[3]); end; writeln('A nondisipative system was detected', alert, ' times.'); end.